walking charity

Today, the 10th October 2022, marks the World National Mental Health day. In the following weeks, multiple organisations across the globe are organising events to raise awareness of mental health.

It is estimated reported that one billion people suffer from a mental health condition. The actual figure is likely to be much higher. People with mild mental health symptoms are probably not aware a bigger issue is lingering. 

Mental health conditions are varied. Some of the most noticeable and common are dementia, depression and chronic anxiety. 

However, anybody with an addiction, eating disorder or anger management issues are also carrying unprocessed emotions that have a negative impact on mental health. 

Statistics in 2020 revealed:

Charity Walks Around The Globe

Raising awareness of mental health issues is critically important in today’s world. With the stress of work, financial pressure and a history of repressed emotions that have not been addressed, mental health issues continue to grow year on year. The World Health Organisation recognise mental health as a pandemic. 

In an attempt to improve awareness, mental health organisations in the UK, US, and Australia have organised charity walks to take place in the coming weeks.

The UK’s leading mental health charity, Mind will host a 10km route starting from Archbishop’s Park, Lambeth to some of London’s most iconic landmarks. The ‘The Mind Walk’ event will take place on 22 October 2022.

This year’s national walk in Australia organised by the Mental Health Foundation (MHFA) will take place on 17 October 2021 at 10:30am. Visit the MHFA website to find the routes and starting points in your local area. 

In America, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is organising a nationwide fundraiser, NAMIWalks Your Way 2022. The highly coordinated event demonstrates solidarity across the country to address the growing concern around mental health issues in the United States. 

Download the Sweatcoin App

Sweatcoin also intends to promote mental and physical health. To this end, we have developed a mobile app which earns you money. For every 1000 steps you take, you will earn 1SWC – a digital token that can be used to purchase goods from over 300 online merchants. 

The average person only walks around 3000 to 4000 (1.5 – 2 miles) steps a day. Medical experts recommend between 7000 and 8000 (3.5 – 4-miles) steps a day needed to stay in optimum health. 

The financial incentives offered any the sweatcoin app is designed to encourage you to go the extra mile or two to improve your health – can earn money simply by walking a little further every day. It’s a win-win solution. 

